Starting the conversation about aged care


Starting the conversation about aged care can be confronting, confusing and emotional – particularly when your loved ones are reluctant to participate in the conversation.

At Aged Care Decisions, we understand the complexity of these tough discussions and the choices that need to be made. It’s why we do what we do – support and empower families throughout their aged care decision-making process.

So why, when, and how should you initiate conversations about aged care?

Here are some tips to help you get prepared:

Starting the aged care conversation

Recognising the signs that your loved one may need aged care

If your loved one can no longer take care of themselves at home without regular support, and you are unable to help them with general daily living, then it may be time to start the conversation about aged care.

Some common indicators that a loved one may require at home support, or supported living include:

Age – from the age of 65, Australian seniors may be eligible for government-subsidised aged care.

Physical and mental health – signs of declining health can include difficulty moving around, which can cause a higher risk of falling. Elderly people may also experience incontinence problems, wandering behaviour or difficulties with memory and communication.

The ability to care for themselves – if your loved one is starting to struggle with household chores, cooking, shopping, and self-care they may benefit from some in-home support or a transition to residential aged care.

Read more:  12 things you should notice about elderly loved ones


What types of aged care are available?

Would your loved one benefit from home care services, respite care or a move into a nursing home or aged care facility?

The aged care industry is jam-packed with acronyms and confusing terminology. This easy-to-read article will walk you through the basics, without the waffle:  An essential guide to aged care: understanding the basics (

Read more about residential aged careResidential Aged Care vs Retirement Living

Everything you need to know about Home Care PackagesHome Care Package Guidelines – Aged Care Decisions

Find out more about respite careHow to get respite care | govt-funded short-term residential respite


How to prepare for a conversation about aged care

Aged care conversations aren’t easy, but there are benefits in getting discussions started early. Many families unfortunately find themselves needing to make decisions quickly – and with limited information – after a loved one has a fall, medical episode or hospital stay.

1. Make time to gather information and coordinate family members who will be involved in the discussions. This will lead to calmer, more considered conversations with much more productive outcomes.

2. Allocate a family member to be the primary representative of your loved one. This person can be in charge of filling in forms, having the important phone discussions and taking your loved one to face to face appointments. They may take on the role of Power of Attorney or Enduring Guardian.

Read more about these processes here: Guardianship and Enduring Power of Attorney

3. Find a time and place that your loved one will feel comfortable and give them time to think about the topic beforehand, so they don’t feel ambushed. Aged care can be a sensitive topic and it’s important that all parties are heard and understood effectively.


Aged Care Decisions can assist you at every stage of your aged care journey. We assist tens of thousands of families every month to navigate residential aged care, respite care and home care.

Click here to find out more about our FREE, FAST, and INDEPENDENT aged care matching service.



Questions to start the conversation about aged care.

Ask these questions to help you understand and respect your loved one’s thoughts and/or concerns:

• What do you think we should do if you get to an age where you can’t look after yourself anymore?
• Do you see yourself ever moving into an aged care facility? At what stage do you think you may need to go to an aged care facility?
• Does anything worry you about going to an aged care facility?
• How can we support you in making this decision?

Aged care conversations can cause a shift in relationship dynamics as children are placed in a ‘carer’ role. Open, honest discussions can reduce a loved one’s anxiety about potentially losing independence. Getting started early can also help them embrace the transition into this next stage of their lives.


What to do if your loved one needs urgent care

Sometimes the timing of the aged care conversation can be completely out of your control. While every situation is different, it’s very common for circumstances to change quickly or without any notice.

If medical or mobility needs suddenly change, you may be left with no choice other than to find urgent care for your loved one. This can unfortunately put you and your family into a high stress ‘crisis’ mode.

These are usually the most difficult conversations because they are held under a great deal of pressure and stress. It may be especially difficult if you haven’t considered aged care options previously and are being exposed to the world of aged care for the first time.

Overwhelming is an understatement!

Starting the conversation about aged care in advance allows you to receive more support. A range of services such as health care workers, social workers, government staff, aged care facility staff and aged care placement services can help you get organised.


This is where Aged Care Decisions FREE SERVICE can assist.

We have a wealth of up-to-date knowledge about aged care in Australia, and we assist tens of thousands of families to navigate all stages of the aged care process.

When you are ready to explore provider options, our custom-built software can match your location, budget, care needs and personal preferences with providers that suit your specific needs.

Our service is 100% FREE, 100% independent, and 100% personal.

Essentially, we do the running around for you, with less stress and hassle, and at ZERO cost to you.

Connect with us here to get started.

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