FAQ -Independent Living Units

Learn about Independent Living Units ILUs Independent Living Units What are ILUs? An independent living unit in a retirement village is generally: described as a unit, villa unit, town house or something similar designed for retirees who are able to live independently...

Choosing an aged care home for a loved one

Choosing an aged care home can be difficult, particularly if you find yourself in a hurry to find somewhere suitable for yourself or a loved one.  Here is a helpful guide that shares some of the key things to look out for when you are researching aged care facilities...

FAQs – Commonwealth Home Support Program

Learn about CHSP CHSP Commonwealth Home Support Programme What is it? The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) helps senior Australians access entry-level support services to live independently and safely at home. CHSP works with you to maintain your...

Occupational therapy in residential aged care

Occupational therapy is an important part of quality care in aged care. Its value has become even more evident throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and occupational therapists are in high demand within the aged care industry. But what exactly is occupational therapy and...