What is a My Aged Care Representative? | How to become one


The aged care system can be confusing, time consuming and stressful, especially for many older people. You can help an elderly person navigate My Aged Care by being appointed as their My Aged Care representative.  

We’ve summarised the process here:  


Who is eligible to become a My Aged Care representative?

A My Aged Care representative can be a family member, friend, carer, or even an organisation.


As a My Aged Care representative, who can you help?

You can become a representative for a:

  • family member
  • friend
  • person you care for
  • client (if you work for an organisation or that provides support to elderly clients)


What can you do to help them?

As the representative of an elderly person, you can help them to:

  • Make decisions about assessments and referrals for aged care services
  • Communicate with My Aged Care, assessors and services providers
  • Access and update their personal information held by My Aged Care


If you cannot dedicate the time required to act as someone’s representative you can appoint a professional agent to assist them. Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 for more information about appointing an agent.


How to become a My Aged Care representative for someone:



Complete an Appointment of a Support Person form. You can download the form here: appointment-of-a-support-person.pdf

TIP: The form is an editable pdf, which means you can type personal details directly onto the form on your computer and save it. You can also print the form and complete it manually with a pen.



Your next step will depend on whether the person is already registered with My Aged Care.


If they are NOT registered with My Aged Care:

Register them with My Aged Care by applying for an assessment. You can be appointed as their My Aged Care representative during the assessment application process.

You will need:

  • The person’s Medicare card
  • Their contact details including address, phone and email.
  • Consent of the person to be registered/assessed
  • Your Medicare Card number
  • The completed Appointment of a Support Person form


You can register and apply for an assessment online here: Apply for an aged care assessment online | My Aged Care. An online application will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Or call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or apply in person by booking an appointment at a Services Australia location. Call 1800 227 475 between 8am-5pm Mon-Fri to book an in-person appointment.


If they are already registered with My Aged Care:

You have a few choices:

  1. Log into their My Aged Care Online Account and add yourself as a regular representative. This handy video explains how to navigate to the Support Networks section and get set up: Your Online Account Guide: Support Networks | My Aged Care

If you’re struggling to log into their account, detailed instructions about how to access My Aged Care online accounts can be found here: Access your Online Account | My Aged Care

2. Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. Make sure you have both Medicare cards handy.

3. Speak to the assessor during the elderly person’s ACAT assessment. If you are present at the assessment interview, they can help you get set up as a My Aged Care representative while they are conducting the assessment.

4. Visit a Services Australia service centre where you can get face-to-face assistance to upload your documents to My Aged Care.

5. Mail the Appointment of a Support Person form to My Aged Care, PO Box 1237, Runaway Bay, QLD, 4216



How long does it take to become someone’s My Aged Care representative?

My Aged Care can take up to 10 business days to confirm you as a person’s representative. If you need to be appointed urgently, call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.


Can a person have more than one representative?

Yes. An elderly person can appoint more than one representative.


How do I update or change representatives?

You can request an additional representative or update current details by logging in to the elderly person’s online account and going into the Support Networks section.

Alternatively, you can call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 along with the new person you wish to appoint.


What’s the difference between a regular representative and an authorised representative?

A regular representative can be involved in decisions about a person’s care, but they must seek permission before disclosing personal information. They must also consult with the person before making any decisions on their behalf.

An authorised representative is only required when an older person does not have capacity to make decisions and act on their own behalf. If an older person is appointed with an authorised representative, then that person cannot speak to My Aged Care without their authorised representative present.


How do I become an authorised representative?

The appointment process is similar, but to become an authorised representative you will need legal documents including:

  • Enduring Power of Attorney
  • Advance Health Directive
  • Enduring Guardianship or Guardianship Order

You can also provide a declaration stating that you are the best option to represent the older person, and a letter from a doctor stating that the person does not have decision making capacity.

Read more: Guardianship and Enduring Power of Attorney


What can an aged care agent do to help an older person?

An agent can provide support, be involved in discussions and access/update a person’s information but cannot make decisions on behalf of the elderly person. An agent cannot be a family member or friend. They must provide support in a professional capacity either as an individual agent or organisation.


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