When is the time to move into aged care?

The best indicator that it is time to move into aged care is when your loved one is unable to take care of themselves or receive an adequate level of support at home. This could also be when you start worrying about their health and wellbeing, either physically or...

Physical activity guidelines for seniors in aged care

When seniors in aged care regularly participate in some form of physical activity or exercise program, it can improve their quality of life and even prevent serious medical or physical problems. Not only that, physical activity can also help prevent symptoms of...

How Aged Care Decisions helped me find respite care: Chris

At Aged Care Decisions, we aim to make everyone’s aged care as stress free and timely as possible. That’s why we tailor our service to each person’s specific aged care needs. We recently had the opportunity to help Chris, who was looking for an aged care facility for...

How respite can help both carer and the person they care for

Respite care is when someone else temporarily cares for you or your loved one, instead of your normal carer. It gives your regular carer the opportunity to rejuvenate and do some things for themselves, while providing you or your loved one the opportunity to make new...