Moving to a new aged care facility is easier than you think


Moving to a new aged care facility​ is easier than you think. Every nursing home is unique – and it’s important to choose the right one for you.

Changing aged care facilities is easier than you think.

​If your care needs have changed, your current nursing home is closing, or you’re simply not sufficiently settled where you are, moving to a new aged care facility​ may be just what you need.

Follow these five steps for a seamless transition from your current facility into a new home.

Step 1: Shortlist alternative options

You’ve had a taste of residential aged care life, so you’ll have a fair idea of what you like and don’t like, and what features you’ll be looking for in a new facility.

Your first step is to research, compare and choose which residential aged care homes in your area you’d like to investigate.

This is where Aged Care Decisions can help.

Our 100% free and independent matching service helps tens of thousands of Australian families every month.

Using custom-built software, our Placement Specialists can match your location, budget, care needs and personal preferences with aged care vacancies that suit your specific needs.

After a chat with your dedicated Placement Specialist, we will send you a personalised aged care Options Report. This report contains ONLY aged care options that are currently available and that suit your specific needs.

You won’t waste time calling facilities just to find out they have no vacancies or aren’t quite what you’re looking for.

Our team then can assist you through every stage of moving to a new aged care facility – from booking tours, contacting providers on your behalf, and even making the move into your new facility.

Connect with us now to get started.

Read more:
What to consider when choosing an aged care provider – Aged Care Decisions



Here’s how Aged Care Decisions’ FREE aged care matching service works:

Step 2: Tour alternate facilities

A personal tour is the best way to learn as much as possible about your options before moving to a new aged care facility.

On a tour you’ll get a first-hand look at rooms, common areas, and other features. You can also meet staff members, view the activities program, and check out the kitchen’s menu options.

Before you arrange any tours, ask your current Care Manager for a copy of your Care Plan. You’ll need to share this with the facilities you’re touring so they can be sure they can accommodate your needs.

Read more:

How to choose a residential aged care facility (

We’ve also created this handy print-able facility tour checklist listing the most important things you’ll want to notice and evaluate.

As part of our FREE aged care support service, Aged Care Decisions can organise facility tours on your behalf.


Step 3: Complete the application and admissions process

When you’ve decided on a new home, you’ll need complete the facility’s application process including filling in all required paperwork, providing a copy of your care plan, reviewing room and service details, and agreeing to all fees and charges.

You’ll also need to provide your referral code – the unique reference number that allows you to receive aged care services and government subsidies. You can reactivate your referral code by contacting My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and advising that you’re transferring to a new facility.

When your application has been accepted by your new facility you will sign a new Accommodation Agreement. This document outlines the care and services available, fees and accommodation costs, and your rights and responsibilities.

Read more about accommodation agreements here:

Accommodation agreements for residential aged care | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care


Step 4: Notify your current facility and transfer of bond (RAD)

You must provide written notice to your current facility 7 days before moving to a new aged care home. If you’ve been in your current facility for less than 14 days, then this notice period does not apply, and you can move out immediately.

Ask your current provider about their standard transfer processes to be sure you have everything covered. During the 7-day notice period, you’ll have time to organise your belongings and prepare for moving day!

If you have paid a lump sum or bond (Refundable Accommodation Deposit) to your current facility, they must refund it to you within 14 days of you moving out.

You can ask for your RAD to be paid directly to your new facility.

It’s worth seeking professional financial advice here, particularly if your new facility differs in price and fee structure.

Read more about fees and bonds for residential aged care:

Rad in Aged Care | Rad Payment Aged Care | Aged Care Decisions

Schedule of Fees and Charges for Residential and Home Care (


Step 5: Happy moving day!

In addition to physically moving yourself and your belongings to your new home, you will also need to share the news – and your new address – with family, friends, carers, and relevant health professionals.

You may also need to update your contact details with Medicare, your health insurance company, and your bank, building society or credit union.


Need help finding a new facility?

At Aged Care Decisions we are passionate about empowering families in their aged care experience.

Our 100% Free aged care matching service can assist you at every stage of your aged care journey.

We save time and reduce stress by doing the running around for you.

Contact Aged Care Decisions to receive a tailored, interactive Options Report, shortlisting residential aged care vacancies for you to review, consider and compare.


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