My Aged Care – eligibility guidelines for senior Australians


My Aged Care is part of the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care. It is the entry point for older Australians who need government-funded aged care services.

Here is some helpful information about My Aged Care, who is eligible for government-funded support and how senior Australians can apply for and receive aged care funding.

My Aged Care - eligibility guidelines for senior Australians

The Australian government established My Aged Care to ensure our rapidly aging population receives the care needed to live in a safe and comfortable way.

My Aged Care coordinates funding for:

  • Residential aged care
  • Short-term respite care
  • Home Care Packages
  • The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)

My Aged Care is the starting point for accessing government-subsidised aged care services.


More on residential care:
What do aged care homes provide?

More on respite care:
The pros and cons of residential respite care for seniors

More on home care:
Home Care Package Guidelines

More on CHSP:

All about CHSP – the Commonwealth Home Support Program

Commonwealth Home Support Program vs Home Care Packages

Connect with Aged Care Decisions to receive a FREE, tailored, interactive residential aged care, home care or respite care Options Report for you to review, consider and compare.


Who is eligible for funding through My Aged Care?

Any Australian who meets the eligibility criteria can receive support from My Aged Care.

Age requirement:

You or your loved one must be over 65, or over 50 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people.

There may be exceptions to the My Aged Care age eligibility limit for individuals who have a low income, are homeless or might be at risk of becoming homeless. If you or your loved one are over 50 (45 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people) and believe this exception may apply to you, you should call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 to enquire.

Care needs:

As older people require varying levels of assistance during different life stages, the Health Department determines eligibility based on specific care needs.

You may be eligible for aged care services if you’ve:

  • been diagnosed with a medical condition or have reduced mobility.
  • had a recent fall or hospital admission.
  • experienced a change in family care arrangements, or
  • noticed a change in what you can and can’t do or remember.


My Aged Care’s eligibility checker

My Aged Care have a handy eligibility checker on their website that lets you quickly check if you meet the requirements for an assessment before you apply. This online tool is very simple to use and takes only a few minutes. It uses visual prompts to help you share the areas where life has become challenging.

You can find the My Aged Care eligibility checker here: Am I eligible for an assessment? | My Aged Care


How do I apply for funding through My Aged Care?

Before you can receive government-subsidised aged care services, you must register with My Aged Care and complete an aged care assessment.

Get started by registering online here: Apply for an aged care assessment | My Aged Care or call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 to discuss your care needs.

Next, you need to be assessed by a member of the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) or Regional Assessment Service (RAS).

Which kind of assessment you will receive is dependent on your care needs. An RAS assessment is for people requiring low levels of support, while an ACAT assessment is for individuals who need a higher level of home care support, or who are ready to move into a residential aged care facility.

These assessments are usually completed in person (sometimes via phone or video-link) and take between 1-3 hours depending on your situation.

Here’s more information about the My Aged Care assessment process:

All about My Aged Care – Aged Care Decisions


Frequently asked questions about eligibility for funding through My Aged Care


Is funding received through My Aged Care means tested?

Yes. As part of the assessment process for My Aged Care funding, you will undertake an income and assets test – also referred to as means test.

This test considers an individual’s income and assets. Individuals who exceed the minimum threshold for income and assets are likely to be asked to contribute to some of their aged care costs.

There are caps that limit the amount of fees payable each year.

The current Schedule of Fees and Charges for Residential and Home Care can be found here:

Schedule of Fees and Charges for Residential and Home Care (


Can I be reassessed by My Aged Care if my care needs change?

Yes. It is normal for people’s needs and support requirements to change over time. You can request a reassessment through My Aged Care – normally this is associated with a significant change in circumstances or health such as diminishing mobility.

A re-assessment may increase the funding level you are eligible to receive commensurate with your increased support needs.

Find more information here: When should you apply for a higher level Home Care Package? (


What if I’m not eligible for aged care funding support?

If you or your loved one are not eligible for government-subsidised services through My Aged Care, there are other options.

You may consider accessing support through a provider that isn’t government-funded, but this will be at your own expense.

If you are dissatisfied with the results of your ACAT or RAS assessment, you can contact your My Aged Care assessor to discuss your concerns or request a review in writing by the Secretary of the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.


How can I find suitable aged care providers?

Aged Care Decisions can assist you through every stage of your aged care journey.

Complete our online enquiry form, and one of our professionally trained aged care specialists will contact you to discuss your care needs.


Our custom-built software can match your location, budget, care needs and personal preferences, with residential aged care vacancies and available home care providers in your area, that suit your specific needs.

You will then receive a tailored, interactive Options Report shortlisting aged care facilities or services for you to review, consider and compare.

Our service is 100% free for families and we currently assist tens of thousands of families every month. We can assist you to find suitable aged care options with less stress, less hassle and at ZERO cost to you.

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