The free new Aged Care Decisions App is the first of its kind in Australian aged care.

The App makes finding, comparing and securing an aged care vacancy for a loved one fast, efficient and stress-free.

After receiving an ACD Privacy Code from the Aged Care Decisions team, you will be able to:

  • View & shortlist matched options – including reviews from other families
  • Book tours, and receive confirmations of tour bookings from facilities
  • Send direct messages to facilities
  • Share the App and its information with family members; and
  • Get in touch with your Placement Specialist via phone, email or App message.

The Aged Care Decisions service is offered 100% free of charge to families.


How Families Interact with the App

Menu of functions

Click on the    icon in top right hand corner to access the menu from any part of the App.

Aged Care Decisions App

Shortlist preferred facilities

Click the blue “Shortlist facility?” button when viewing options to add it to your personal shortlist.

View your shortlist by clicking on “My Shortlist” in the Menu.

Aged Care Decisions App

Store & Share Referral Codes

Referral Codes are provided by the Australian Government, and are required to process an aged care placement application quickly.

Input & store your Referral Codes, for sharing with shortlisted facilities, in the “My Referral Codes” page. 

Aged Care Decisions App

Book tours


Request tours of facilities at your preferred date & time. Click on the   icon to select date, and the  icon to select preferred time.

You will receive tour booking confirmations from the facility directly as an App message notification.


Aged Care Decisions App

View all requested and confirmed tours

Aged Care Decisions App

Send private direct messages to providers

Aged Care Decisions App

Share app & information with other family members via SMS

General Info Hub


How Providers Will Interact With The App

Receive tour booking requests via email

An email will be sent to users associated with the particular facility with details of tour requests. Click the relevant button in the email to open a webpage to see tour details, confirm the tour request, or request another tour date/time.

Your response will be sent as an App notification directly to the family member.

Receive client messages via email, and reply instantly

Receive direct messages from clients via email. Click on the button to open the webpage containing the entire conversation history.

Your reply will be sent as an App notification directly to the family member.

Click the button to view details of the placement introduction.

We are here to help

We are hosting a series of interactive webinars for those wanting a little extra assistance. To register for our webinars please click here.

We have also compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions, which is a good way to get a quick answer to some of the most common questions we have encountered with the transition to using the new app. Click here to access our FAQ’s.

For technical support or further information please get in touch with our technical team at

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